Social Media users and enthusiasts, you are being watched!

Due to the pandemic situation, there is a surge in the usage of social media in our daily lives. It has become more of a way to know what’s going on around you. With the upswing of viral videos and trends, social media slowly crept into our daily lives. It is a good thing too.

We interact with people more than ever on social media. It has become a way of keeping in touch. But when you realize that social media has been keeping tabs on you, well that’s where the game ends.

Facebook Inc. has been sued again on the claims that the company is spying on users of Instagram. There had been media reports that state that the application was using their iPhone cameras even when they were not used frequently. Facebook responded in denial and blamed it to be a bug that had caused the false notifications.

There had been reports since July and the company had denied the same. On the complaint filed by the aggrieved party, it was mentioned that the application was used to collect private intimate information about the user for valuable insights and market research. Facebook had declined the remark altogether.

Facebook was accused of using facial-recognition technology to use the biometric data of its more than 100 million Instagram users. Facebook denied the claim and said that Instagram does not use face-recognition technology.

Well, Next time you search anything on Google and end up on your Facebook or Instagram feed, do not worry. It’s just a bug.(Pun Intended)


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