Lifestyle - Page 2

Prioritize Your Liver Health for a Happier Life

It’s time to unravel the mysteries of fatty liver and take proactive steps towards a healthier liver. This condition, caused by the accumulation of excess fat in liver cells, can be triggered by various factors, including a high-sugar diet, excessive alcohol consumption,…


Lifestyle Factors and Stroke Risk A Closer Look

Stroke, as highlighted by the World Health Organization (WHO), stands as one of the leading causes of global mortality. Despite being a highly preventable and treatable condition, recent findings suggest that strokes could contribute to almost 10 million annual deaths by 2050.…


5 Common Fashion Mistakes Men Should Avoid

Fashion is a powerful form of self-expression, and your clothing choices can speak volumes about your personality and mood. While not everyone may be a fashion enthusiast, it’s important to make an effort to avoid some common fashion blunders. Here are five…


Positivity you need in your life to get better at your work

Positive affirmation can be anything which is a motivational statement you want to tell yourself before you start your work in order to empower yourself for the successful completion of your day’s job. According to certain researchers, having positive affirmation can greatly…

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