Welcome to World Liquor Forum (www.worldliquorforum.com)
- In case any error has happened during transaction, we at https://indiaconnecting.com will honor all valid refund requests that are written to us within 5 (five)working days of the transaction.
- The written valid refund request should include the details of the initial transaction including date, nature of error .
- Written refund requests can be sent by email or mail.
- Email: business@analytusgroup.com
- Correspondence address: Sri Annapoorneshwari Tower Site No: 1138, 6th Cross 1st Floor, Sree, Ananth Nagar, Electronic City Phase II, Electronic City, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560100
- https://indiaconnecting.com will fully assess all refund requests and endeavour to ensure that authentic errors are corrected. However, after 5 days, https://indiaconnecting.com is under no such obligations to give refunds and the decision on refunds will be at https://indiaconnecting.com discretion.
- https://indiaconnecting.com reserves the right to pass any refund transaction charged onto the transaction creator.
- Refunds will be returned using the original method of payment – for example if a transaction has been made by credit card, the refund will be credited by https://indiaconnecting.com to that same credit card.
- For any services that is already delivered or has exceeded the life of the service , under such circumstances there is no refund policy .
- The refund will also be guided through the individual SOW/Contract signed with the 2nd party .