Gupteshwar Pandey who is the Bihar District Commissioner of Police has announced his voluntary retirement from his post on Tuesday. Later Tuesday evening, that Bihar governor accepted Pandey’s appeal, and the home ministry released the same notice.
DGย of Civil Defense and Fire Services Sanjiv Kumar Singhal may hold the additional responsibility of the DGPย before further instructions have been given. Several news reports had said Pandey is expected to fight the forthcoming state-wide elections to something like the Assembly. Unnamed officials have told NDTV as Pandey is likely to run on a token to the National Democratic Alliance, whether from Buxar City or some other district house.
On Wednesday, he said that being said, thus far, Pandey hasn’t officially made any statements around the same thing. “I haven’t said I’m going to challenge the polls anymore. He said here on Wednesday, as per NDTV. I’ve never entered a band. Whenever I do, I’m going to tell you all. Politics wasn’t the only way to represent humanity.
Pandey, who’d been connected to the caseย into the demise of actor Sushant Singh Rajput, basically put a conflict over his gender-based comments regarding actor Rhea Chakraborty, a primary complainant in the trial.