Indian Students in Canada Facing Challenges and Considering Alternatives

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Many Indian students have pursued their dreams of studying and settling in Canada, driven by the promise of a brighter future. However, upon arriving in Canada, they encountered a series of challenges and broken promises, leaving them in a difficult situation. Don’t believe us? You need to read this article till the end.

Dealing with living conditions and accommodation

1. Lack of Housing: Some students have found themselves without proper housing upon arrival in Canada. They even had to resort to setting up tents outside their university due to insufficient accommodations.

2. Rising Rent: Costs Students in North Bay, Ontario, are grappling with high rental costs, ranging from $650 to $750 per month, which are comparable to rates in more expensive cities.

3. Financial Struggles: Due to high living costs and limited job opportunities in smaller cities like North Bay, students are facing financial difficulties. Many are forced to cut costs on basic necessities, including food.

Fighting refund battles

1. Mismanagement of Resources Some students are in a battle for a full fee refund from their universities, blaming the mismanagement of resources by Canadian institutions for their predicament.

2. Request for Refunds: Students have requested full refunds without deductions so that they can seek admission in other colleges in a timely manner.

3. Online Learning: Some students have urged universities to permit them to attend online classes or waive the 50% classroom attendance condition required by IRCC for a work permit.

What are the alternate plans of the students?

1. Exploring Other Countries: Some Indian students are considering alternatives to Canada, citing the current political environment, depleting resources, and the high cost of living. They are exploring countries like New Zealand and certain European nations for their education and immigration prospects.

2. Canadian Permanent Residency (PR): Students planning to obtain a Canadian PR permit may later consider shifting to countries like Australia, where they believe there are better job prospects and more favorable living conditions.

So, what are we concluding?

Indian students in Canada are facing significant challenges, including accommodation issues, financial struggles, and refund battles. Many are reconsidering their plans and exploring alternative destinations for higher education and immigration to secure a better future. These experiences highlight the need for students to conduct thorough research and be aware of potential challenges before embarking on their educational journeys abroad.
