China’s foreign minister claims the U.S. wants to build an Indo-Pacific NATO

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Criticising the Quad, an informal strategic forum founded by the United States, Japan, Australia, and India, China’s foreign minister claimed that the US is aiming to build an Indo-pacific NATO from the Quad, based on the four member-countries. In a recent visit to Malaysia, as a part of the foreign minister’s five-nation tour to South-East Asia, Wang Yi said that Quad is a part of the broader American effort to contain and restrict China, as the political relationship between Washington and Beijing worsens.

He added that this concept of NATO will be underpinned by the quadrilateral mechanism of the four member-countries who also possess a relationship of strife with China. Wang Yi also alleges that the Quad has a Cold War mentality which will eventually stir up conflicts and confrontation resulting in geopolitical competition. He added that the Quad and its members maintain and support the hegemonic and dominant system of the United States.
