Hope rises as Covid-19 fatality and positivity rates drop in Bengaluru

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Reports show that the Covid-19 positivity and fatality rate in Bengaluru witness a drop which is offering hope to the pandemic situation in the city. Among cities in the country, Bengaluru is second in most Covid-19 infections after Delhi and the two vital markers which are considered most important in assessing virus spread- positivity and fatality rate- have seen a significant drop though the city is conducting an ample number of tests.

Health minister K Sudhakar said that the city is conducting around 50,000 tests in a day, mainly RT-PCR tests. The test results have revealed that currently, the city is reporting 2,400 positive cases per day compared to 5000 positive cases a day in early October. Bengaluru’s positivity rate now is much lower than that of Mumbai and Pune, and the same as Chennai.

A qualified doctor himself, K Sudhakar said that he is managing the pandemic situation as a doctor instead of a minister; his strategies have proven to be effective in managing the Covid situation in the city.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]
