Constitutional Values are endangered!

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Image Source: The HIndu

In a press conference in Madurai, activist Yogendra Yadav voiced his criticisms against the ruling BJP government and RSS. He discussed the objectives of the ‘Bharat Jodo Abhiyan’ and emphasized its role in defending and reclaiming the republic.

Five-Fold Assault on Democracy

Yadav highlighted what he referred to as a five-fold assault on the republic, with constitutional values facing an unprecedented threat. He pointed out that democracy, secularism, socialism, social justice, and federalism were under attack, shaking the very foundation of the nation.

Minorities and Hindu-Muslim Rift

Yadav expressed concern over the treatment of minorities in the country, stating that they were being marginalized. He accused the BJP of sowing divisions between Hindu and Muslim communities.

State Power and Crony Capitalism

The activist discussed a worrying collaboration between state power and crony capitalism, citing Adani’s influence and wealth accumulation. He raised questions about the nature of their relationship.

Dismantling Social Justice

Yadav criticized the government’s refusal to conduct a caste-based census, suggesting that it aimed to dismantle the remaining structures of social justice, including reservation. He also expressed skepticism about the ‘One Nation One Election’ concept, believing it could undermine the voices of the states.

Defending the Republic

Yadav stressed the importance of public involvement in defending the republic during these challenging times. The ‘Bharat Jodo Abhiyan’ aims to unite people with a focus on defending the country against various threats, with the 2024 elections as an immediate target.

Tamil Nadu’s Historic Role

Yadav recalled Tamil Nadu’s historic role during the emergency in 1975-77 when it provided hope and protection to those fighting against constitutional threats. He highlighted the state’s importance in upholding federalism, social justice, and constitutional values.

Tamil Nadu Coordinators C. J. Rajan and Christina Samy were also present during the press conference.